Monday, November 3, 2008

For kids' sake, don't tailgate

We live just outside the bus boundaries for my daughter's school, so I drive her to and from school every day, taking one of two well-traveled routes. Along those routes are dozens of kids waiting for the bus or walking to and from school. Although I'm normally a cautious driver anyway, I am particularly careful when driving on these roads. I am careful to do the speed limit, and I always watch for the students.

Unfortunately, that isn't true of every driver. Almost every day without fail, someone tailgates me, riding up on my bumper as if to push me along the road faster. They seem to have a need for me to know that I'm too slow for their tastes. Nothing irritates me more, especially when kids' lives are at stake. I try to understand their behavior - maybe they're having a bad day, aren't paying attention or are late for work - but nothing seems as important to me as the safety of those we share the road with. If you are one of these drivers, I ask you to please respect the safety of the students and other drivers drive a little more carefully. For kids' sake, don't tailgate.

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