Kent Police Chief Steve Strachan reports that 15 "johns" were arrested on Kent's West Hill on Thursday, March 12, 2009 in a prostitution sting operation. This was one in a series of arrests in connection with reducing crime and prostitution in that area of Kent. For more information, please contact the Kent Police Department at (253) 856-5200.
Coming soon: regular updates from the Kent Police and Fire Departments!
I'm on the West Hill and would be interested to know more specifics about the location of the sting, if possible.
Thanks for your question. I received this link after my original post. Here's the news story that appeared on KING 5 TV: http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_031309WAB-johns-car-impound-KC.32689fed.html.
Thanks for the question- the sting was conducted north of 260th on Pac Hwy. 15 arrests were made. A full briefing on the results was given to the city council and you can see that on the video archive of the last council meetig on the city website. Any other questions let me know- Chief Steve Strachan
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